Keep Your Company’s Competitive Edge with Workflow Automation

In a competitive marketplace, you need every advantage you can get. In this post, we'll explain how workflow automation will help you to save time, get more done, and create a better environment for attracting the best talent.

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July 6, 2022

In a highly competitive marketplace, companies need every advantage at their disposal to distinguish themselves. 

With SaaS tools having cemented themselves an integral part of nearly every company's operations, workflow automation is rapidly becoming an indispensable tool for creating efficiencies at work. 

If you’ve been on the fence about adopting automation, now is the time to commit. 

Automation is Growing Fast

Companies in every industry are rapidly adopting workflow automation. In a 2021 survey, Hubspot found that 76% of marketing companies were already using automation, and ultimately, this number is only going to keep growing. 

According to a recent Gartner report, companies have shifted their focus to operational efficiency in the wake of economic uncertainty, and they predict that over 70% of large enterprises will adopt multiple automation initiatives in the next few years.

To put it bluntly, even if you’re not using automation yet, there’s a good chance your competitors are. 

The Benefits of Automation for your Company

Of course, we’re not just encouraging you to follow the crowd. 

Regardless of what your competitors are doing, workflow automation will provide transformative benefits for your company. When you start automating your robotic tasks, you can look forward to saving a lot of time and ensuring a more consistent output from your newly automated processes. 

The exact results can vary, and will depend on your specific circumstances. But you can always count on seeing substantial time savings and improving the quality of your team’s output.

How XRay Has Saved Time and Improved Outcomes for our Members 

At XRay, our members typically save dozens of hours each week with the help of automated workflows, and they see more consistent and reliable results.

For example, XRay worked with mental health educators Journey to automate their system for onboarding new accounts.

The automation saves an hour for every client they onboard, and completely eliminates account provisioning as a task for the product team, freeing up valuable engineering resources. 

While results can vary significantly, workflow automation is guaranteed to give your team some of their time back, and grow to be a massive strategic advantage. In turn, automation can actually become a vital recruiting tool for your company too. 

Attracting the Best Talent with Mindful Work

Right now, employers have to compete to secure the best talent. The job market is hot, and even offering generous compensation might not be enough to hire and keep the best candidates. 

You’ll need to create a culture and environment that makes your company stand out to potential recruits. 

Use Automation to Support People, Not Replace Them

Workflow automation will help you to establish a workplace culture that promotes mindful work, and lets the robots handle all the tedious, repetitive tasks.

While there’s often been concern that automation will replace humans, the reality is that automated workflows can be designed to support people as they work. According to a report by Wilson Towers Watson, over half of employers are already seeing that the main goal of automation is to “augment human performance”, not to downsize staff. 

Ultimately, software developers want to spend their time developing software. Designers want to spend their time designing. Whatever role they’re in, talented employees want to focus on their core competencies, not on copy-paste busywork that’s better suited to software. 

Automation will enable your current team and your future hires to focus as much of their time as possible on using their unique skills.

By cutting out the distractions of tedious robotic tasks, workflow automation makes your company an ideal workplace for elite talent. 

Start Automating Your Workflows Today

The best time to start automating your company’s workflows is right now. 

Think about the repetitive tasks that you or your team are performing every day, or every week. How often are you just moving data from one app into another? Robotic tasks like these are ideal candidates for automation. 

Take a look at the tutorials on our YouTube channel, or reach out to us to start automating these tasks. You’ll be able to automatically respond to inbound leads, create presentations, onboard clients, organize and manage your documents, and a whole lot more. 

You can also follow XRay on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn for automation tips and tutorials. 

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